Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Well, my "vision" (in the metaphysical sense) was off just a little bit the other day. At first I thought I was seeing Laura Bush dressed in white with an aura around her head as the angel of grace for little Georgie W. But I was wrong. As always, I should have looked two steps to the left! It was actually Queen Elizabeth the II who I was seeing in my vision--and she was dressed in white and wearing a tiara!

The New Yorks Times' coverage of Her Majesty's visit to the White House and little Georgie's W.'s predictable speaking gaff where he inadvertantly added 200 years to The Queen's age is wonderful! Here it is the best portion of it:


"It was a day for pomp and circumstance — a military color guard, a fife and drum band in white wigs, red jackets and tricornered hats — punctuated by a presidential slip of the tongue that lightened the moment during Mr. Bush’s welcoming remarks. Mr. Bush reminded the 81-year-old queen that she had already dined with 10 American presidents.

“You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 —— ” he went on, stopping to correct himself before 1776 could slip out. The crowd erupted in laughter, and the president and the queen turned to each other for a long, silent gaze. Then, Mr. Bush turned back to the crowd with an explanation. “She gave me a look,” he said, “that only a mother could give a child.”

Mr. Bush had been the recipient of such a look once before in the queen’s presence — from his own mother, back in 1991, when the first President and Mrs. Bush played host to their own state dinner for the queen. By several different accounts, including Mr. Bush’s own, Barbara Bush told the queen that she had seated her son far away from Her Majesty, for fear he might make a wisecrack.

Then, to his mother’s horror, he did, telling the queen that he was his family’s black sheep and asking, “Who’s yours?” The queen, apparently not amused, replied tartly, “None of your business.”

If the queen was not amused on Monday, she did not show it. “I’m sure she accepted it for what it was — a slip of the tongue,” said her press secretary, Penny Russell-Smith. The ceremony was laden with pleasantries and reminders of the close ties between the two nations, as well as a brief foreign policy lecture from Mr. Bush, who made clear that Iraq was not far from his mind as he thanked the queen for “your leadership during these times of danger and decision.”
The queen, in turn, thanked the president, for “this opportunity to underline the extent of our friendship — past, present and future.”


You can dress him up, but you can't take him out!

The Queen has the grace and dignity to transcend the vulgar ignorance of our president.
I don't. God save the Queen and God save me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog is about as vulgar as anything, with its promotion of man on man sex and woman on woman sex. I don't think the President of the United States, whose shoes you are unworthy to even clean, needs a lecture from the likes of you.

Queen Elizabeth, by the way, represents all that your ilk have been working against for many years--a transcendant, conservative, traditional order based on the acquired wisdom of the ages.