Saturday, May 05, 2007

Company is Coming

OK, I can't help it. This has nothing to do with religion but I'm going to post it anyway. (More evidence for that IRS lawsuit that will someday come.) This story makes me smile. It makes me smile because it helps me perpetuate my vision of "W" as a 4 year old boy--the president as nothing more and nothing less than a 4 year old little boy who would rather dress up and play pilot instead of dress up for company coming to visit!


From the NYTimes this morning...

How does George W. Bush, a towel-snapping Texan who puts his feet on the coffee table, drinks water straight from the bottle and was once caught on tape talking with food in his mouth prepare for a state dinner with the queen?

With tips from an etiquette guide, of course — and a little gentle prodding from his wife.
The White House is atwitter over the visit on Monday by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. This is the first visit by the queen since 1991, when Mr. Bush’s father was president. White House aides say the state dinner in her honor is not only the social event of the year, but also of the entire Bush presidency.

It will be closely watched by the social elite for its collision of cultures — Texas swagger meets British prim. Dinner attire is white tie and tails, the first and, perhaps, only white-tie affair of the Bush administration. The president was said to be none too keen on that, but bowed to a higher power, his wife.


Oh, I'm so relieved! Call off the IRS! It's a legitmate post after all! I have a vision. It is of a woman dressed in white with an aura around her head! Is it the Virgin Mary? Is it the God Sophia? No, it's the First Lady! As we all know, you can't achieve grace and order without the "help" of a good woman.

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