Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Real Ted Kennedy

Senator Ted Kennedy is one of the Republican's favorite liberal targets; just mentioning his name in a fund-raising letter generates extra dollars. But as this piece by Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post points out, Kennedy is actually a throwback legislator who has always been willing to compromise with Republicans to get key legislation passed. For that he gets criticized these days as much by Democrats as Republicans. Kennedy is a reminder of what Washington was once like before it was hijacked by Rove-style compromise is evil politics.

1 comment:

ProgressiveChurchlady said...

When it was Kennedy vs. Carter, I worked for Carter. I'd whole-heartedly support Ted Kennedy for President now over any of the other candidates on the slot--if he'd run. He might be considering it. He's written a book and was promoting it on The Daily Show last week!

But maybe we have a culture who doesn't respect "throwbacks" now. I thought Mondale was a shoe-in to beat Coleman when he stepped up to the plate upon the tragic death of Paul Wellstone. But he was attacked for his age. I wonder what will happen to Ted Kennedy if Ted Kennedy decides to run?