Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Top News of the Day

From The Superficial:

Britney Spears says she's given up Kabbalah and replaced it with her son. Last Friday she made a posting on her official site saying: "I no longer study Kaballah [sic], my baby is my religion."

She probably wasn't too into it in the first place considering she can't even spell it right. Plus after seeing the way her life is turning out what else is she supposed to assume except that Kabbalah has failed her.

1 comment:

ProgressiveChurchlady said...

And with baby #2 on the way...saw her on Letterman last week when she announced that...she'll be getting even more religion!

Poor Britney, she's renewed her 15 minutes of fame way too many times. Surely that "overdue" notice is coming! (It will be if she is doing any serious parenting as opposed to mere "child-worshipping".)

I hope she finds a meaningful purpose in her life to sustain her over the long run!