Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Karen Armstong on the Veil

Catching up on Andrew Sullivan I caught a reference to this interesting article by Karen Armstrong on the western reaction to Muslim women wearing the veil. Armstrong talks about her years as a veiled nun, its history as a symbol of defiance against men and popular culture, and why more and more Muslim women wear it:

In the patriarchal society of Victorian Britain, nuns offended by tacitly proclaiming that they had no need of men. I found my habit liberating: for seven years I never had to give a thought to my clothes, makeup and hair - all the rubbish that clutters the minds of the most liberated women. In the same way, Muslim women feel that the veil frees them from the constraints of some uncongenial aspects of western modernity.

They argue that you do not have to look western to be modern. The veiled woman defies the sexual mores of the west, with its strange compulsion to "reveal all". Where western men and women display their expensive clothes and flaunt their finely honed bodies as a mark of privilege, the uniformity of traditional Muslim dress stresses the egalitarian and communal ethos of Islam.

Muslims feel embattled at present, and at such times the bodies of women often symbolise the beleaguered community. Because of its complex history, Jack Straw and his supporters must realise that many Muslims now suspect such western interventions about the veil as having a hidden agenda. Instead of improving relations, they usually make matters worse. Lord Cromer made the originally marginal practice of veiling problematic in the first place. When women are forbidden to wear the veil, they hasten in ever greater numbers to put it on.

In Victorian Britain, nuns believed that until they could appear in public fully veiled, Catholics would never be accepted in this country. But Britain got over its visceral dread of popery. In the late 1960s, shortly before I left my order, we decided to give up the full habit. This decision expressed, among other things, our new confidence, but had it been forced upon us, our deeply ingrained fears of persecution would have revived.

But Muslims today do not feel similarly empowered. The unfolding tragedy of the Middle East has convinced some that the west is bent on the destruction of Islam. The demand that they abandon the veil will exacerbate these fears, and make some women cling more fiercely to the garment that now symbolises their resistance to oppression.

The part of this I struggle with is not the idea that women in the west would choose the veil as a symbol of protest; more power to them. But in some parts of the Muslim world it appears to me to be the men who force it on women. It makes all the difference in the world whether it is freely chosen or not.

1 comment:

ProgressiveChurchlady said...

My limited reading informs me that Middleastern Muslim women view the veil as oppression NOT their resistance of oppression. If it's your choice to clothe yourself that way and you like it, fine. But, having recently read The Bookseller of Kabul written from observations of about 4-5 years ago in Afganistan, it was clear that in that place and that time, the Muslim women the author had lived with before writing her book HATED the veil. The women who were forced to wear the veil and the burka gave numerous reasons for hating these items of imposed dress. One that sticks with me the most was how the veil was used to restrict their field of vision so they were without peripheral vision. It reminded me of all the horses with blinders I'd watched pulling buggies in my youth. It was men letting women keep their eyes wide shut--under penalty of death.