Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Spirit of Jesus Making Headway among Evangelicals

An article in the New York Times looks at the improving fortunes of Democrats among evangelicals. In talking to members of two Columbus, Ohio megachurches, Vineyard Columbus Church and Grace Brethren, signs of disaffection with Republicans are clear and Democratic candidates are actively courting evangelicals and making headway. But maybe the spirit of Jesus is also making headway. Here is pastor Rich Nathan of the Vineyard church:
...“How is it that we evangelicals have become the strongest constituency for war of any group in America?” he asked.

When he asked that question from the pulpit, Mr. Nathan said, people stand up and cheer.
Good for them. The spirit of Jesus still speaks. I wonder if the pastor of the Grace Brethren church would dare say anything like this?

1 comment:

ProgressiveChurchlady said...

If I've learned nothing else in the past 2 years from going to Liberalchurch in Burnsville, it is that Religion and Politics MUST mix. Segregating religion and politics is like segregating racial groups. It is unnatural and artificial and leads to injustice and unrest.

When religion and politics mix, we will find that people will still differ on both their theology and their policy preferences. However when all people start to talk about how their religion informs their politics and vice versa, it is a much more wholelistic process.

This NYT article is SO VERY encouraging to me personally as a native Ohioan who thought her homestate was a lost cause after 2004. As a Democrat raised on Kennedy and Carter, these politicos never hesitated in telling how their faith informed their policy and their lives. We all must know that the separation of Church and State doesn't mean we are prohibited from expressing how our faith informs our lives and the government policies we support (or reject).

Most importantly the separation of Church and State doesn't prohibit us as individuals from talking about politics in the pulpits or religion on streetcorners and the doorsteps as we prepare for the upcoming election.