Friday, January 12, 2007

Peace Vigil

Well, it was too dark for my camera, but we had a great turnout last night for the Burnsville peace vigil which was one of a thousand planned for around the country. I counted 62 present.

Why does this kind of event matter? It is just the tip of the iceberg. For most people, standing on the street corner protesting with a sign is the very last thing they want to be doing. When thousands of Americans take to the streets to voice their opposition to the war, you know they are speaking for tens of thousands more who have had enough and want change.

1 comment:

ProgressiveChurchlady said...

As one who participated in the protest last night it was great to see a large turnout. We got positive responses from those who passed by in vehicles honking their horns in support--even in the "heart of Burnsville".

One hour with a sign is a small "sacrifice" when so much is at stake to try to end this war and save lives and money.

We can only hope that our elected officials are viewing the reports of the protests around the country yesterday from their offices on Capitol Hill. It is good to know that we are "virtually present" as protestors.

As someone who lived through the 60s and 70s I wonder why there aren't more people "taking it to the streets". It does make a difference.