Wednesday, August 08, 2007

They Like Jesus, but not the Church

I was reading the VOS Digest and noticed a post with a positive review of a new book about the emerging church. Sounds interesting!

From Doris Dunham of Bakersfield CA,

The book I just finished reading for a TRIM unit I am doing is They LikeJesus But Not the Church by Dan Kimball. This is probably the most interestingand most important book that I've read in all of my TRIM studies other than the Bible itself. It is an honest critique of the organized church told by a pastor who spends most of his time talking with young adults who are not in the church.The book is not difficult to read or in theological terminology. It is awake-up call for church leaders. It does not tell us to throw away what we've got, but challenges us to look at some possibilities for widening our view of how we do church. It is clearly about the emerging church movement and as such, the Church of the Brethren has a head start because of our emphasis onservice to others. Kimball listens to young adults talk about what they think. He talks with them. He builds relationships with them. Some of them eventually do come to his church. His companion book, I Like Jesus, But Not the Church isscheduled to be out in February 2008.I can strongly recommend the book for anyone who wants the church to be thebest it can be and who is interested in how we can be more sensitive to what today's young adults are looking for in a church.

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