Saturday, September 15, 2007

First Frost

We had our first frost of the season last night here in Burnsville. I covered the flowering plants I wanted to keep going. It was time to say goodbye to most of my vegetable garden--I guess. But there is part of me that wants to keep things going. It's the sad part of fall--saying goodbye to the growing season. I'm thinking about trying to prolong it this year. My in-laws used to do this and I may follow in their footsteps and attempt it this year if I can figure out how to do a cold frame, that is.

Here's the first site I looked at this morning in an attempt to find some information. The Savvy Gardener says...

Fall is also a good time for sowing some cool-weather crops in frames. If provided with adequate moisture and fertilization, most cool-season crops will continue to grow through early winter in the protected environment of the cold frame. Depending on the harshness of the winter and whether or not additional heating is used, your frame may continue to provide fresh greens, herbs, and root crops throughout the cold winter months.

Here's a link to the full webpage including plans for making a cold frame.

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