Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No Intelligence Allowed

My spouse and I used to watch "Win Ben Stein's Money" on The Comedy Channel every night for laughs. Even though Stein was once a speech writer for Richard Nixon, I forgive him and laugh at his jokes. He's a smart guy and the concept was funny and Jimmy Kimmel who was the quiz master on the show was just obnoxious and quick enough to make an interesting and humorous foil to Stein to embarrass him or keep him humble.

I just saw an Internet trailer of Stein's upcoming movie that he co-wrote and stars in. It is titled "Expelled" and the subtitle is "No Intelligence Allowed". From the looks of the trailer, it appears that it might just be a jab at either or both the "free exercise of religion" or the "separation of church and state" concepts as they get applied to education. I'll also guess it may have something to do with Creationism vs. Evolution debate.

"Expelled" has not yet been rated. Here's the trailer. It doesn't give you much to go on, but take a look at it and make your own guesses.

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