Friday, January 25, 2008

Romney "Admits" to Focus on the Family that Mormonism isn't Christian

Time's Swampland blog has the Focus on the Family take on the political candidates:

Christian right leaders are abuzz today because a new online candidate guide that has been posted by Focus on the Family Action, the political arm of Jim Dobson's conservative Christian empire. The webpage offers edited excerpts of recent webcasts with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, explaining where the candidates stand on "pro-family issues."

The video about Rudy Giuliani suggests that the former New York mayor would appoint a judge who would uphold Roe v. Wade, and knocks him for dressing in drag on Saturday Night Live. The video on John McCain hits the Arizona senator for campaign finance reform, his opposition to the federal marriage amendment and his 2000 comments about Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. "You want someone to depend on when you are in a fight, and you never really know where he is going to be," says Perkins about McCain in the video.

This is all to be expected. But then it gets controversial. The video on Mike Huckabee, who is the overwhelming favorite among the nation's evangelical voters, is surprisingly harsh. After praising Huckabee's social views, both Perkins and Tom Minnery, a policy expert at Focus on the Family, hammer the former Arkansas governor for his foreign policy views. Minnery suggests that Huckabee does not understand the cause for which American troops are dying in Iraq. Then Perkins suggests that Huckabee lacks the fiscal and national security credentials needed for a conservative presidential candidate. "The conservatives have been successful in electing candidates, and presidents in particular, when they have had a candidate that can address not only the social issues, [but] the fiscal issues and the defense issues," says Perkins. "[Huckabee] has got to reach out to the fiscal conservatives and the security conservatives." Ouch.

So what about Romney? He comes up roses. "He has staked out positions on all three of the areas that we have discussed," says Perkins. "I think he continues to be solidly conservative." Then Minnery defends Romney from criticism that he is too polished and smooth. "Mitt Romney has acknowledged that Mormonism is not a Christian faith," Minnery adds. "But on the social issues we are so similar."

I can't imagine that Romney actually said that Mormonism is not a Christian faith. That surely would not go over to well in Mormon circles. I also find it interesting that Huckabee, who is the closest thing to an unvarnished, unpackaged evangelical Christian the Republican Party has ever seen, doesn't make the grade because he isn't a no-tax purist or a Rambo Republican.


Anonymous said...

Here’s the bottom line: Evangelicals reject Mormons because we do not accept the Trinity. The concept of Trinity was made-up by men in the 4th century. It says that God is a being without body parts and passion, and that God, Christ and the Holy Ghost are the same being. They came to 1 correct conclusion: the godhead is united in purpose, but they are 3 distinct personages. Those who claim that Mormonism is a cult are the same people who claim that the Nicean creed accurately represents the bible. The Nicean creed is truly a man-made doctrine. Who is the cult? This is why the evangelicals are edgy about us. I had this discussion with an evangelical friend. When we went to the bible to find evidence of our respective points of doctrine, he was unable to support the claims of the Nicean creed. I countered his “problems” with Mormon doctrine with biblical scripture that supports our position. He remained silent as he had no defense.

Anonymous said...

I would say that their "interpretation" of what Romney said is quite a stretch.

Every Mormon I ever met meets the definition of a "cult" member according to the dictionary. But they also meet the definition of a "Christian".

Every Baptist I ever met also fits the definition of a "cult". That is what early Christianity was and modern Christianity can also be considered as a cult.

I think that these folks should take this debate up with Miriam Webster, not Mormons.