Thursday, February 07, 2008

Beatles Yogi Dead

From the Washington Post:
The man who introduced transcendental meditation to the West, who briefly became a guru to the Beatles and other pop musicians and who built a multimillion-dollar global business based on teaching people how to pause and close their eyes twice a day, died Feb. 5 at his home in Vlodrop, Netherlands. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was thought to be 91.
George Harrison's hit My Sweet Lord might have been my introduction to eastern religion.

1 comment:

Loveparent said...

In memory of MM Yogi, I have gotten out my 1972 copy of The Miracle Power of Transcendental Meditation by Norvell (no other name appears anywhere in the publication). Inspired by the Beatles and their treks to MM Yogi for spiritual enlightment, I purchased this book for $1.95 from some bookstore. It is a Barnes and Noble publication. Back in 1972 they placed labled this book as "occult". On the book other related paperbacks include "Love, Sex, and Astrology", Complete Guide to Hypnosis, and Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life".