Saturday, February 02, 2008

Priest Sues Parish

In Buffalo, MN, a priest alleged by parishioners to have had an affair sues the church as he leaves:

A telephone call intercepted by a baby monitor, charges of an affair and a long-running war of words between a Roman Catholic priest and disgruntled parishioners has rocked a church in Buffalo and could land the participants in court.

The Rev. Thomas Rayar resigned Friday from the Church of St. Francis Xavier, but not until he had sued 11 members of the congregation for defamation of character, saying that they "threatened to publicly humiliate me" at a sit-in scheduled for Sunday.

The priest denies having the affair, but a parishioner claims to have overheard an incriminating phone call involving the priest over a baby monitor. The priest claims use of the baby monitor in this manner is a form of illegal wiretapping.


Anonymous said...

Good for the priest! I'm glad the Star named the names, too. I'm sure that the parisioners were calling him out due to their great "love" for him..from a "Buffalo-ite"

Anonymous said...

Ephesians 5

3But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints;

I too am a "Buffalo-atian." ha ha

The diocese should be responsible for the priest, but sometimes godly people must act. This controversy must not enter the pulpit. Perhaps priests should marry.

Unknown said...

Its extremely important that the church ordains as priests only those individuals who have a natural inclination to Philosophy and religion.

Tom was a very socializing personality. Such people usually take up priesthood as a short cut for achieving career growth and luxuries.

Robert K. Amalathas