Saturday, February 02, 2008

Six More Weeks of Winter

Jeff Swensen, GETTY/AFP - Getty Images

The most pampered groundhog in the world, Punxatawney Phil sees his shadow.

1 comment:

Loveparent said...

Thank God I only woke up once today and it was not to the radio playing, "I Got You, Babe".

I did however slip on the ice once while stuffing caucus flyers into newspaper tubes. But I only made that mistake once and didn't have to relive it over and over!

If Liberalpaster chooses to do another movie-themed month again next year, I think I'd like to nominate the movie "Groundhog Day". It's a classic! Bill Murray and Robin Williams seem to gravitate toward acting in movies with a "redemption theme". (As in next Friday night's flick showing at Liberalchurch--What Dreams May Come.)