Friday, August 04, 2006

Senate Minimum Wage, Estate Tax Bill Fails

Rarely has the true heart of today's Republican Party been so shamelessly exposed as it was in the Senate bill that tacked a minimum wage increase onto an effort to limit estate taxes. Republicans are so desperate to shield the super-rich from paying taxes that they were willing to throw a bone to the millions of Americans who work for a minimum wage; they believed that after having no minimum wage increase for 9 years, Democrats would jump at the chance to support the bill even if it meant giving away billions more to the rich.

Thankfully the Dems didn't bite. We don't need any more legislation that widens the rapidly increasing gap between rich and poor. There is nothing wrong or immoral about being rich. But there is also nothing wrong or immoral with asking those who have the most, especially those who are exceedingly wealthy, to contribute more for the well-being of society. In fact, it is the right and moral thing for a just society to do.

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