Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Former Republican Legislator States the Obvious

From my side of the political aisle, it has been quite obvious what the Tax Payers' League and the Governor have done to the state with their slavish devotion to "no new taxes." Our schools aren't funded, our bridges are collapsing and our infrastructure is deteriorating, we are losing jobs, and our social service network is frayed to the breaking point. But today in the Star Tribune, former Republican legislator Dave Bishop says the same thing, and adds that the Republican Party has also been decimated as a result:
And what has been the real result of this illogical and extreme tax policy? Galloping property taxes, excess levy referendums for school costs that can't keep up with inflation. Also deteriorating roads, declining support for higher education -- in fact, a total of declining quality of our life in Minnesota.
And we also learn this morning that the Governor is unwilling to call a special session of the legislature to pass a bonding bill to jump-start road construction. Same old story; he doesn't want to create government jobs; he wants to cut taxes again.

Counting down the days.

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