Monday, December 17, 2007

Truth or Tradition?

The "ticker" that runs ads across the top of my g-mail this morning had an advertisement that caught my eye. It was a question on the topic of The Trinity asking if the Trinity was "Truth or Tradition".

Just last week in Bible Study we were commenting on The Holy Spirit descending upon Mary to accomplish the virgin birth in Mark's version of Jesus' birth story. This raised a few questions on The Trinity and The Holy Spirit for further study at a later time.

The advertisement said that the concept of the Trinity was being discussed on this website. So I visited the website and found a long "hot list" of controversial Christian topics and this Christian sect's answers whether each topic is truth or tradition. It was interesting--even though most of their beliefs don't match up to mine necessarily.

It is amazing just how many flavors of Christianity are out there--and more and more are being created every day!

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